Mastopexy Discharge


SHOWER: I recommend leaving your bandages and ace wrap in place for the first 3 days. If you feel like you need to clean up try sitting in the bath and use a washcloth on your upper body. When you shower after those 3 days, you can carefully remove the thick outer tape and gauze. Leave the thin skin tape (steri-strips) under your breasts to help prevent swelling at the end of your scars.Wear your surgical bra day and night for the first 6 weeks or until otherwise directed.

LAY LOW: An adult must stay with you for the first 24 hours after surgery.The effects of anesthesia can persist for that long and you are at an increased risk of falling. Stay safe. Heal well.

ACTIVITY: REST for the first 72 hours after surgery.Walk around, move frequently, but nothing strenuous for the first 3 days.The less energy you use the more your body can focus on healing.

ICE: Please DO NOT use ice.The skin along the incision lines are healing and compromised. Using heat or ice on the area can cause tissue damage which can prolong the healing process. Please protect that sensitive skin!

COMPRESSION: You are wrapped up tight at the end of your surgery. If you are feeling nauseated or like you can’t take a deep breath or you can’t seem to get comfortable, try loosening the ace wrap or bra.We want it to be snug, but it doesn’t have to be so tight you are miserable.

DIET: You may not be hungry, this is normal. Eat small portions when you feel like eating. Remember in the first three days after surgery (at least) your body will retain fluid. Limit high salt foods, keep your rings off and do not obsess about what the scale says. DRINK PLENTY OF FLUIDS. Staying hydrated will help with healing and it will help your bowels. If you’re concerned about constipation try a little milk of magnesia, fresh grapes or maybe a suppository. Other forms of medications can make bloating and nausea worse.

MEDICATIONS: Take it easy on the narcotic pain medications for the first 12 hours after surgery.Try rotating Ibuprofen orTylenol with the pain medication. Adjust to lower doses of the narcotics over the first 3 days to maximize your progress.A little pain is normal and to be expected after surgery.

NAUSEA: Nausea is often a sign of low blood pressure, which is a normal response to both pain medication and the initial recovery phase after surgery. Laying down, elevating your legs on a couple of pillows and a cold compress can help ease the nausea.This sensation may come on suddenly, which is why we recommend LAYING LOW for the first 3 days.

DO NOT DRIVE: No driving for the first week after surgery. No driving for as long as you are taking pain medication.

NOHOTTUB: Hottubscancauseinfectionsevenforpeoplewhohaven’thadsurgery. No soaking in any tub for at least 30 days after surgery.

NO SMOKING:This should go without saying.Any nicotine you were exposed to for a month before your surgery will hurt how well you heal. Smoking directly interferes with you result.

SCAR CARE: You will be given lotion at your first post op appointment.We will follow your scar as you heal and change the scar care plan as necessary.

REVISIONS: Sometimes patients choose to have revisions 9-12 months after surgery. Your skin is tightened as much as Dr. Keen is able to safely in the operating room. Occasionally after your swelling has gone down you may have extra skin under one or both of your breasts.These revisions can be done in the office and come at an additional, discounted rate.

Call us at 801-278-9062 or email [email protected] with any questions. Dr. Keen’s after hours number is listed on the discharge paperwork that was emailed to you. Please refer to that for after-hours questions.
We want you to be as comfortable as possible during your healing period and we want you to have GREAT results.