Narco&cs: Norco (Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen) or Percocet (Oxycodone/Acetaminophen)
Muscle relaxer: Valium (Diazepam)
Anti-inflammatory: Ibuprofen or Tylenol (acetaminophen)
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Some people like to take ibuprofen at night with the valium to help feel relaxed before bed.
Some people will get stomach upset if taking large amounts of Ibuprofen over several days. Tylenol does not have this side effect which is why it is standardly contained in the narco)c medica)ons, Norco and Percocet.
If you are not taking narco)cs, you can take up to Tylenol up to the maximum 4000 mg in a 24 hour period (8 of the 500 mg tablets).
Anti-Nausea: Zofran (ondansetron) or Scopolamine patch
Zofran is a very effec)ve an)-nausea medica)on. Like any medica)on it should only be taken as treatment for nausea. Do not take this as a preventa)ve, only take it to treat exis)ng nausea.
Nausea is can be a sign of many infec)on or over-medica)on with narco)cs.
Nausea immediately aWer surgery can simply be your body’s way of forcing you to laydown and be s)ll.
o If you have persistent nausea, check that your oxygen level is above 94%, that you are staying hydrated, and that your compression is snug but not too )ght.
Itching: Itching can be from skin irrita)on from the surgery soap or bandages. Itching can also be related to narco)c use. If you experience itching try cleaning your skin with gentle soap and lo)on and limit your narco)c dosage. You may also try Benadryl (diphenhydramine) which can be found either a cream or pills. Benadryl can have a seda)ve effect so be careful when taking it with other medica)ons.
Sore throat: Your throat may become overly dry or suffer discomfort from pressure due to your breathing tube in surgery. This is an extremely common side effect of surgery and the good news is that it goes away quickly. Try some hard candy or warm tea for comfort.
Muscle Aches: It is common to wake up from surgery with some soreness your shoulders or back. The good news is that it gets beeer on its own over a short period of )me. Massage, hot or cold packs and an)-inflammatories can be used. Any new ache or pain in your legs or chest could be a sign of a blood clot and would need emergency aeen)on. Stay sober and carefully monitor any symptoms. Get evaluated by an emergency room if your symptoms seem atypical.
Heartburn: Surgery can increase problems with gastro-esophageal reflux, especially after a tummy tuck procedure. Pepcid (famo)dine), Pepto Bismol (bismuth subsalicylate), and TUMS are all available over the counter and can work wonders. Remember that chest pain can be a sign of a much more serious problem such as blood clot, pneumonia, or heart aeack. Stay sober and carefully monitor any symptoms of chest pain. Get evaluated by an emergency room if your symptoms seem atypical.
Headache: After surgery, headaches are common. Missing your regular daily caffeine dose is frequently the cause. Even if you don’t use caffeine daily, a small dose can help. Low oxygen can also be a cause, so be sure to rule out this possibility by checking your oxygen satura)on and making sure it is above 94% (we may have provided you with a pulse oximeter or you can purchase one at most drug stores). Stay sober and carefullymonitor any symptoms of headache. Get evaluated by an emergency room if your symptoms seem atypical.